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Welcome to, where you'll be able to find resources, tutorials, tools and recommendations for Photoshop-compatible plugin filters.  In addition, you'll find some resources for Paint Shop Pro and Xara X as well as links to great sites. 

NEWS FLASH!  November 2005 session at, will bring a new Paint Shop Pro X Foundation Level One class (taught by Phyllis List from material created by Sally.)  More Paint Shop Pro X classes will follow in later sessions.  Ron will be adding a Digital Darkroom with Paint Shop Pro X class soon, and Sonja will be updating the Vector Drawing classes to include PSP X as well.  We'll have updated PSP Journeyman 1 and 2 to include versions 8 and 9.  Please join us, we think you'll like it!

Check out the Tutorials section for some projects to do using some of the most popular commercial and freeware filters available.  The Tools section contains links to some of my personal favorite "Great Stuff."  Read my Reviews for my personal opinion on some of the most popular software available.  Visit my Freebies section for Blade Pro presets, texture tiles, and other graphic goodies.  For Fun is my gallery, if I feel like showing something to the world, I'll stick it there. 

Joe's Stuff is a special section where I've posted some resources from my friend Joe Cilinceon, including his entire Digital Painting Gallery, and his Plugin Filter resources.  Thanks, Joe! Featured Site - Blade Pro

The Leader in Virtual Studies!

If you are interested in Paint Shop Pro 8 Zero to Hero, by Ron Lacey and myself, check it out at!


"Digital Scrapbooking" by Lori Davis and myself, can also be found there!





Email Sally @

Sally Beacham and 1999-2005